05 February 2010

Standin' Cold and Scared on Top of Blue Hill


In a word, it's a bitch.

Well, it can be. It can also be wonderful. Depending on the direction it's taking. Because not all change is good or bad or healthy. The one thing that is a constant is that change is inevitable. You can't avoid it even if you tried really hard. Like by living in a cave somewhere in the mountains but see the weather would change. Eventually your body would change as you got older or depending on your physical activity or lack there of. Change is happening all the time.

But I'm not really eluding to the stuff that "we know" will happen. I'm talking about the stuff no one ever really plans for. The things that sometimes make life come into perspective. That help open your eyes. That makes life worth living. That makes you wonder why you're alive. That makes you wish you weren't. That makes you pray the end of the day will bring about hope. THAT change is the change I'm talking about. The kind you secretly dread because things are finally starting to turn around. The kind that you know must happen if things are gonna get better. The kind that forces you to do things so you can breathe again even if the end result is not what you really want. The kind that makes your face light up with anticipation. The kind that invites the unknown. The kind that renews life.

Change is scary. Change is beautiful. Change is heartbreaking.

I can't wait for things to change.

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