28 April 2009

Apparently nothing is going on ANYWHERE in the world...

The news broadcasting system in this country is sad. 

Really it's just the subject matter that I have the issue with. I think we reach a new level of pathetic when we feel the need to report (for multiple days) on things such as the Obamas' new dog, the death of Anna Nicole Smith, the current state of the economy (which hasn't changed much in the past couple last time I checked), or the swine flu.  I'm sure I can count on one hand how many people actually cared that the president's family got a dog. WHOOPIE! Let us know when they decide to give it bath, alright? Thanks! I didn't even know who Anna Nicole was, cause apparently she had a HUGE effect on society, yet I found out more about her death, and custody battles, what's gonna happen with her kids etc. when I worked at a news station.  The swine flu. Not saying it's not important but I don't think it deserves HOURS of coverage from every angle you could possibly view this story from, multiple days in a row.  NEWS FLASH! There are plenty of things going on around the world (and all over the country) that should be brought to the attention of the masses that they don't know about. You have these all-day networks that air the "news" from dawn til dusk and yet do the same 5 stories hour after hour after hour. I watched CNN for about an hour today and the WHOLE THING was on the swine flu. I'm willing to bet that the Swine Flu was all day. Hour after hour of the same thing. If you're gonna claim to be a major news reporter than PLEASE for the love of God FIND. NEW. MATERIAL! There are HUNDREDS of things that should be covered; protests, wars, situations etc. We have the technology that we can have in-depth reports on human trafficking, on the state of Venezuela, on civil wars going on all over Africa, any humanitarian, environmental, political issue (and I don't mean a Senator's party switch). Whatever!  There's plenty of news that we don't know about and probably should know about so as that we can't claim ignorance to. 


Excuse me, I must go rest and prepare myself for another day of the swine flu.

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