01 May 2009

It ends with Chicago...

It's Official! Invisible Children's event The Rescue of Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers is over in the sense that all cities have been "rescued"!

The event started last Saturday in over 100 cities all over the world (yes we've gone international!) After a city in the US was rescued, then people went on to the next city to join those that still awaited to be rescued. IC had 3 buses starting in LA, NYC and DC that were deemed official Rescue Rider buses that went from city to city once a place got to rescued.  Everyone culminated in Chicago, who had troopers camping out and rallying all week. 

They spent the last 2 days really trying to get the attention of Oprah by marching around the offices and singing outside the studios. And this morning, Oprah came out and talked to Jason, Bobby and Laren (the filmmakers) and invited them in. She revamped her show to include this situation in East Central Africa, we were on the first 10 minutes and yea! This is HUGE! So many people watch and respect and look up to Oprah, she is by far one of the most influential people in this country and she does amazing work. So thank you to everyone that came out to the Rescue, supported the Rescue Riders in shelter, food, everything!  Thank you to all the moguls that came out and voiced their support for this organization.  All of the rescue riders that went city to city on a bus or in car and just rallied together to stand for something that is important. All of the Rescue Watchers that stayed online all day and night to keep Cam and Marcus awake while driving and contacted the media and moguls and harnessed the power of the internet and were part of the Chicago rescue that way! Fun times! 

We live in a country who's government is built on the principle, "FOR the people, BY the people."  Meaning that if enough of us take a stand and say that something is important to us and we need to do something about it, then they HAVE to respond to the pressure and they will because the Govt. doesn't like pressure, it makes them nervous :-).  But yea so, keep writing letters to your Reps. and Senators, keep letting them know what's important to you and don't let up because they do hear you and it does count. This is something coming from me cause I am the last person that meddles with politics.

Watch Oprah today at 4pm in your timezone if you can. And yea, NO child should have to fight in war...EVER.

Courtesy of Nathan (nathanboard.blogspot.com)

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